Sunday, March 18, 2007

rocking out

Gidon Kremer rocks out on Vivaldi with kickass aviators

something more substantive forthcoming once I sleep off the past week.

Edited to add:

Sieglinde blogs of a cruel trade-off. I have even less to go on than most, having heard Voigt just once in the house before the surgery and just once in the house after (Elisabeth in Tannhauser and a concert Salome, respectively). Upon reading the post, I didn't really know what to think, since I could neither really recall the sound quality of that Elisabeth nor could I really say that I remembered loving the sound (I primarily remember quite a lot of boredom, sore legs, which became a sore butt, and then wondering if the little shepherd boy was miked or really did project that well). Anyhow, here's a bit of pretty early Voigt, I think, to cast into the mix when thinking of that "cruel trade-off."

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