Tuesday, December 12, 2006

scandale! and pretty ballerinos

Omg! The Teatro alla Scala and Roberto Alagna scandal is the opera story of the hour/week. Such drama! Is it bad that I'm almost more interested in that than the production itself? (almost -- Roberto Bolle dancing in a golden thong is kind of amazing, cutie patootie that he is). However, I do prefer the ruggedly delectable Marcelo Gomes of ABT myself (his pictures grace my blog) and you can see him dance in the youtube below (facial hair! WIN!). I am kicking myself for not snagging that Sunday NYT ad with a picture of him with the most sensuous expression and hunky facial hair. But yes, Roberto Bolle would never be kicked out of *my* bed for eating crackers...in it...oh crap, how does that expression go? Damn.

For more of the scandale (and more importantly, more Roberto Bolle!!!) go check out la donna in milano OperaChic!

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